

Knitting is a popular method for making fabrics by looping yarn together, resulting in a comfortable, stretchy, and affordable material. It’s achieved by interlocking loops created by at least two yarns, forming a hook-like shape. Knitting machines with many needles create these loops, allowing for the production of various garments like T-shirts, tracksuits, underwear, socks, and sweaters.

Capacities And Facilities

We have all the modern equipment and the capacity to manufacture 8 tons of fabric per day. Our success is attributed to our diverse and extensive customer base, which has significantly contributed to the improvement of our knitted fabric production capacity and overall quality.

Two Types Of Knitted Fabrics

Knitted fabrics fall into two main categories based on their knitting direction: warp and weft knits. Both flat and circular knitting machines can be used to make these fabrics. Warp and weft knits serve as the foundation for a wide range of textiles, offering versatility and practicality for everyday use.

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Knitting Fabric

We manufacture a diverse range of knitted fabrics, including single jersey, double jersey, piqué, French terry, rib, yarn-dyed, drop needles and interlock varieties.
Our commitment to quality begins at the source. We use only the highest-grade yarns and raw materials to create the fabric, ensuring that the end product meets the highest standards of excellence.
